Our last blog talked about the importance of really knowing your target customer as part of your marketing strategy. But what do they look like, I hear you ask? Let us introduce you to ‘Adventurous Abby.’

So, we have created a fictional target customer profile example for a business that runs adventure and wellness retreats in the UK and abroad and will want to market to customers directly, also known as business-to-customer marketing. We will share an example of what a target customer profile for business-to-business marketing may look like in our next blog.

‘Adventurous Abby’

‘I love to be inspired, to explore new ideas, activities, and places on my own and with my family. So, when I find something a bit quirky, cool and that makes me feel happy, buzzing with energy, then I’m all for it! It’s the only way to grow.’


  • Mid to late 30s
  • Married/living with a partner and two young children
  • Homeowner – living in her first family home in leafy suburbs
  • Part-time employed (sharing childcare with husband/partner)
  • Graduate
  • Income £35k (Household income estimated at £80k)
  • She has a small amount of her own disposable income each month to spend or save for something special!


  • Active, outdoors with dogs!
  • She grows her own vegetables (even from a small, raised bed or grow bag!)
  • Cycling, running or yoga during the week.
  • She enjoys family walks with the dogs at the weekend, days out to the local coast and activities with the children.
  • She travelled a lot in her younger years before settling down, but the spark has never left her, and she loves an adventure with her family and the dogs.
  • Two family holidays a year with the odd weekend away with her partner for essential ‘couple time.’
  • Loves experimenting in the kitchen, cooking, and baking, especially for large family occasions!


  • Recognises that it is essential to look after herself, for herself, her partner, family, and friends
  • Even with modern-day life and commitments, she values her moments of freedom.
  • Family-focused, she values relationships.
  • Community-oriented.
  • She loves the spontaneous!


  • She is naturally bubbly but enjoys quieter moments to unwind and ‘decompress’.
  • She finds juggling everything a challenge, finding balance in her life to be at her best for herself and others.
  • Finding time to immerse herself in her love for travel and fun! It’s her mission to search for (and find!) the perfect wellness/adventure retreat for her/the family that fits who she is and what she’s all about. She wants to find a place deep in nature, with good ethics/social responsibility, and not overcrowded. She would spend £1500+ for her and up to £3000 for her and her family.


  • Fair to medium social media user, Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram and Pinterest, with Instagram being her preferred platform to keep up with trends (fashion, home, garden, wellbeing etc.).
  • She also loves a good blog or podcast, which she can listen to on the school run/in the car.
  • Enjoys style books/look books for fashion inspiration.
  • She rarely has time to read a book but will take a couple for when she is away on holiday (just in case!)
  • She has a travel magazine on monthly subscription, delivered to home …which is a real treat!

Shopping behaviour

  • Carries out a lot of online research before buying.
  • She likes to buy quality and would prefer to buy a brand to get this. However, she will not pay ‘over the odds’ just for a label as she likes to stick to her budget and, therefore, will spend time searching for ‘the offer.’
  • She likes an offer where she gets a ‘money can’t buy’ bolt-on for free, which adds value to what she is buying.
  • She is naturally suspicious of ‘once in a lifetime’ deals with huge discounts, which seem too good to be true (as they often are in her eyes!)
  • However, over time, she has become more ethical and environmentally conscious, wanting to do ‘her bit’ to contribute to a greener and more conscious lifestyle. As a result, she has made many changes to greener household products, recycles clothing, and sells unwanted items via Vinted and other online secondhand shopping apps.
  • Style is important to her – she likes to keep up with the latest trends but will not buy ‘disposable fashion’. Instead, she prefers to spend more on a quality piece that will last and one she can put her own twist on for that ‘latest look.’
  • Embraces new technology with the latest phone, tablets, gadgets for the home.

Preferred content

  • Health, wellbeing, beauty, and fitness
  • Lifestyle, food, environment
  • Holidays, travel

Marketing messaging focus

  • Mainstream with a twist
  • Family and individual
  • Earthy, not polished
  • Authentic
  • Inspirational
  • Aspirational
  • Spiritual

Where do I find the data to create my target customer profile?

It’s all about the research! You’ll be amazed at what you already know about your ideal customer from your existing customer data. However, if you have information gaps, you can try the following:

  • Survey!
    • Ask your existing customers to share their views, opinions, and challenges.
    • Speak to your potential target audience; how can you take them from potential customers to loyal fans?
  • Market research
    • Investigate published trends in your industry and follow studies by government agencies, trade associations and your competitors.
  • Look to your digital
    • Analyse your email stats, website analytics and social channels.
  • Participate in online communities
  • Use your network
    • Attend business events and networking groups – these can open doors and introduce you to new areas of industry.
    • Use your own network – ask friends and family for their opinions.

A Negative Target Customer Profile

One final word – if you get stuck creating your ideal target customer profile, think about creating a negative target customer profile! This would be the person most unlikely to purchase your products or services and one you do not wish to actively target with your marketing budget. It’s a fun exercise to do and can quickly solidify your views on your true target audience.

Would you like more? Check out Udemy’s target market training courses, or speak to us for your very own workshop.

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